Saturday, April 23, 2011

Bronze Cat-eye

Yes, it's finally up! My very first post for make-up <3
Now, deal with me- I had four different shades of makeup to use today (the rest I accidentally left at mama's house -___-) So it isn't top-notch or normal for me.

So basically, I applied a shadow that was my skin tone all over, lid, brow, ect.
Then I took  golden brown color and applied it to my lid
Next I took a pale tanish color and it went onto my crease :P
I applied liquid-liner to my lash-line in a semi-thick manner, and winged it out a little.
Now apply normal, stick eyeliner to the inner, bottom lid of your eye .
This is what I call a "three minute". In other-words, it took me three minutes.
In addition:
My lips are just a pale pink color. No biggy.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

What in the world I'm doing here

Alrighty then, lemme drop the basics on you :)

Well, as you can see I'm WAY into doing makeup and hair and junk, so I figured, "Hey, Tara darling, why not just do a blog for fun??" And so here we are. I'm going to be talking about products, what I'm seeing in magazines and stars, and uploading a bunch of my own personal looks, every two weeks or so.

Now- bear with me people, my parents won't really get me much makeup and I don't always have the proper things, which sucks like a prostitute, but nonetheless I will do the best. Just hang on and soon enough I'll have the proper equipment ;)
